Monday, March 1, 2010


Responsible dog owners are frustrated and disgusted beyond belief with the amount of doggy doo all over the Museo grounds.  It not only is unsightly, it makes walking around a challenge.  You need to watch every step to ensure you don't end up taking some poo home on your shoe.

Although the easy solution is for those who have a pooch to PICK UP when their dog is done with their business.....why is this not happening?  We hate to admit it, but the one's seen most often failing to pick up after their pooch are our younger residents. Why? Who do you think is responsible for cleaning up after your pooch? 

There are many of us responsible dog owners who have been discussing the problem.  We all have seen, agree & know of some specific residents who we see "guilty" of not picking up, but what is the resolution? Unfortunately we can not solve this problem alone. 

Anyone have suggestions?